The Guild holds a small number of books and journals, listed below. These are all available for members’ use and free loan for very reasonable periods of time. The Librarian maintains and catalogues the collection, and keeps a record of loans.

Library items will be available for loan at each guild meeting. Items borrowed are to be returned at the next guild meeting.

Librarian: Jeanette Ruxton         Email: jruxton(at)

Please email Jeanette suggestions for new book acquisitions. Donations of any library items are most welcome.

Library Holdings


Australian Book Arts Journal Issue 1, April 2010 –Issue 6, 2011

The Bonefolder, complete set  of 14 volumes with Index. Vol 1.No. 1 2004 –  Vol 8, 2012.

Designer Bookbinders newsletter. Latest year

New Bookbinder  Vol.5, 1985 – v.43, 2023


A Gathering of Leaves – Catalogue for Designer Bookbinders international Competition 2022, edited by Stuart and Louise Brockman

Art of papermaking with plants by Marie-Jeanne Lorenté.

Art of the Fold by Hedi Kyle and Ulla Warchol

Basic bookbinding by A.W. Lewis

Beautiful bookbindings: a thousand years of the bookbinders art / by PJM Marks. London: British Library, 2011.

Board Attachment by Nicky Oliver & Karen Vidler

Book+Art handcrafting Artists’ Books by Dorothy Simpson Krause

Book Arts  Beautiful Bindings for Handmade Books by Mary Kaye Seckler

Bookbinders’ finishing tool makers 1780-1965 by Tom Conroy

Bookbinding and the care of books by Douglas Cockerell

Bookbinding  A step-by-step guide by Kathy Abbott

Bookbinding discussed compiled by Ivor Robinson and presented as a tribute to Edgar Mansfield in this, his eightieth birthday year.

Bookbindings Victoria and Albert Museum, 1950

Bookcraft: techniques for binding, folding and decorating to create books and more by Heather Weston

Books boxes & portfolios: binding construction and design, step by step by Franz Zeier

Complete book of handcrafted paper / by Marna Elvea Kern. New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1980.

Contemporary Designer Bookbindings Crafts Council of Australia – 1984

Contemporary designer bookbindings. Europe and Australia: An overview of current trends in bookbinding based on the Crafts Council travelling exhibition of 1984/85.

Cover to Cover by Shereen La Plantz

Decorated book papers: being an account of their designs and fashions / by Rosamond B. Loring. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard College Library, 1973.

Edge Decoration by John Mitchell

Fine bookbinding: a technical guide / by Jen Lindsay. London: British Library, 2009.

Fine bookbinding in the Twentieth Century by Roy Harley Lewis

First national conference of craft bookbinders Australia – 1984

Gold Finishing (An introduction to ) by John Mitchell

Hand bookbinding: a manual of instruction  by Aldren A. Watson. New York: Bell Publishing, 1963.

Hedi Kyle – Festschrift 2009 Essays and how-to articles in honour of Hedi Kyle.

History and Development of Bookbinding by Allan T. Stratton

How to marbleize paper By Gabriele Grunebaum. New York: Dover, 1984.

Japanese bookbinding : Instructions from a master craftsman by Kojiro Ikegami

Lost Gutenbergs : the discovery of 128 unbound original Cooper Square Gutenberg Bibles. by T. Yancey and M Chrisman

Making your own marbled and decorated papers  by Jane Reese

More making books by hand: exploring miniature books, alternative structures and found objects  by Peter and Donna Thomas

Non-adhesive binding: Books without paste or glue by Keith Smith

Penland book of handmade books Masterclasses in bookmaking techniques

Perfume of books by Erika Mordek

Practical guide to marbling paper  Anne Chambers. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1986.

Practical printing and binding  A complete guide to the latest developments in all branches of the printer’s craft, 1946.

Printed by authority: fifty years of government printing in Canberra.

Reliures de Nicole Fournier: La poétique de la matière.

Restoration of leather bindings,  by Bernard C. Middleton

Silvia Rennie : designer bindings: an exhibition of fine bindings held at Kroch’s & Brentano’s during the month of September 1985 [exhibition catalogue].

Sleight of binding, by Cherryl Moote

Thames and Hudson manual of bookbinding, by Arthur W. Johnson


Covering in leather with Mark Esser. (1 DVD) Guild of Bookworkers Standards of excellence seminar,  2004

Introductory bookbinding course on making a half bound case bound book. Queensland Bookbinders Guild (1 dvd)

 Modified limp binding with Robert Spinoza. (1 dvd) Guild of bookworkers Standards of excellence seminar, 1994